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Accidents (Badwater Bill, Bill Berle, Ronald James Wanttaja) [54529 bytes]
Aero/PC (Brent Regan) [7964 bytes]
Riblett airfoils (Walter Lounsbery, David Lednicer, "highflyer") [19944 bytes]
Aluminum protection (John R. Johnson; "Johnny") [6637 bytes]
Antenna location (Badwater Bill, Ed Hahn) [8623 bytes]
The Area Rule (David Lednicer, Mark Drela) [5893 bytes]
ATC radar coverage (Doug Pardee) [1440 bytes]
Auto engines ("Johnny", "highflyer") [28670 bytes]
Balloon flying (Badwater Bill) [5145 bytes]
Bede ("Johnny", Craig Wall)) [20573 bytes]
Bike jumping (C.D.Damron) [1605 bytes]
Bingelis homebuilding books ("highflyer") [1744 bytes]
Boomerangs (Michael A. Pilla) [5153 bytes]
Box canyons (Kevin O'Brien) [2263 bytes]
Canard aircraft (David Lednicer, "highflyer", Richard Riley) [10594 bytes]
Carb ice ("highflyer") [3332 bytes]
Carbon-carbon composites (Richard Riley) [1912 bytes]
Center of Gravity (David Lednicer, "highflyer") [1409 bytes]
Cold fusion (Badwater Bill) [3804 bytes]
Cooling drag (David Lednicer) [4042 bytes]
Crankshaft breakage (Craig C.; Jim Weir) [5806 bytes]
Design book (David Lednicer) [1424 bytes]
Dope (Brett Buck) [8765 bytes]
Drilling 4130 ("Johnny") [3592 bytes]
DUI (Richard Riley) [958 bytes]
Engine book (Brent Regan) [829 bytes]
Engine shutoff in training (John R. Johnson, Badwater Bill) [9166 bytes]
Magneto timing ("highflyer") [4252 bytes]
The EAA (Badwater Bill) [2028 bytes]
Emergency (Badwater Bill) [6480 bytes]
The EPA (Badwater Bill) [13399 bytes]
Epoxy (W. Kern Hendricks, Richard Riley) [11456 bytes]
Epoxy fillets (Brett Buck) [2274 bytes]
Epoxy paints (Brett Buck) [12509 bytes]
The FAA (Kevin O'Brien) [6193 bytes]
Fear (Badwater Bill) [11480 bytes]
Finding a crashed plane (Mary Shafer) [3622 bytes]
First Amendment rights (Tony P) [3476 bytes]
Flutter test (Badwater Bill) [2915 bytes]
Virtual Love Making in an Airplane (Badwater Bill) [8055 bytes]
Fuel 101 ("Johnny", "highflyer") [57828 bytes]
Gurney flaps (David Lednicer) [3629 bytes]
Microwaving graphite parts (Brett Buck) [1350 bytes]
Hail (Mary Shafer) [2877 bytes]
Flight of the Human Buzzard (Badwater Bill) [8957 bytes]
Helicopter blades (David Lednicer) [1186 bytes]
Helicopter flying (Badwater Bill) [20077 bytes]
Helicopter tail rotor noise (David Lednicer) [1894 bytes]
High flight (Paul Tomblin) [3941 bytes]
High pressure ("highflyer") [1760 bytes]
Houseflies' landings on ceilings (Mark Drela) [622 bytes]
Homebuilt aircraft lobbying ("Johnny") [9149 bytes]
Hypoxia (Badwater Bill) [12575 bytes]
Ivo propellors (Jeff Spitzer, "Johnny", Dale Alexander) [13726 bytes]
Kit testing ("Johnny") [7068 bytes]
Lift (Mark Drela) [8081 bytes]
Lift numbers (Badwater Bill) [4708 bytes]
Linseed oil (Craig Wall) [1956 bytes]
Model hot air balloons ("Johnny") [4201 bytes]
Model planes ("Johnny") [5943 bytes]
Mountain flying books (Kevin O'Brien) [1686 bytes]
Nitrate dope, and the Hindenburg (Bruce A. Frank, "highflyer") [4554 bytes]
Oxygen systems (Bob Chilcoat; Badwater Bill) [12422 bytes]
The P38 (Craig Wall) [2648 bytes]
Perfect safety (Mary Shafer) [3617 bytes]
Pilot induced oscillation (Mary Shafer) [2820 bytes]
Plywood construction ("highflyer") [8567 bytes]
Plywood types (Craig Wall) [4544 bytes]
Propeller forces (Badwater Bill) [1296 bytes]
Pusher propellers ("highflyer", Erik Shilling) [2880 bytes]
Radon (Badwater Bill) [8002 bytes]
Rocket car (Mary Shafer) [3440 bytes]
The Rope Trick ("Capt.Doug", Andreas Meyer, Bill Berle, Charles.K.Scott, David Munday, Jim Weir, "highflyer") [25300 bytes]
Rotary engines (Dale Alexander) [2348 bytes]
Sailplane flying (Alan Dempster, Badwater Bill) [16867 bytes]
Seattle (Badwater Bill, Chris Goldfinger) [9876 bytes]
Silkspan (Brett Buck) [3114 bytes]
The Moller Skycar (Brent Regan) [3676 bytes]
Spin (Badwater Bill) [3784 bytes]
Spin training (Mary Shafer) [2980 bytes]
The Spitfire (David Lednicer) [3680 bytes]
Spoilers (Badwater Bill, David Hyde) [9975 bytes]
Spruce ("highflyer") [1388 bytes]
SR71 (Mary Shafer) [12055 bytes]
The "stall turn" maneuver (Erik Shilling) [6065 bytes]
Structural glue ("Johnny") [5159 bytes]
Wing Sweep (Mark Drela) [3394 bytes]
Landing a taildragger (Erik Shilling) [3041 bytes]
Tail stall (David Lednicer) [843 bytes]
Tailwheels (Badwater Bill) [1364 bytes]
Test flying (Badwater Bill) [7999 bytes]
Tube bending ("highflyer") [852 bytes]
Extreme turbulence (Erik Shilling) [2318 bytes]
Vulture nest (Carl A. Johansson) [4299 bytes]
Wankel (Brent Regan) [2271 bytes]
Washout ("highflyer") [3287 bytes]
Welding ("highflyer") [32881 bytes]
Wood construction books (David Munday) [2232 bytes]


Blackhawk blade sweep (David Lednicer; Nick Lappos) [3023 bytes]
The Comanche helicopter (Nick Lappos) [8361 bytes]
Cruise speeds (Nick Lappos) [6758 bytes]
Fenestrons (David Lednicer; Nick Lappos) [12646 bytes]
Helicopter air combat (Nick Lappos) [5304 bytes]
Helicopter blade vibrations (Nick Lappos) [4754 bytes]
Helicopter dust landing (Nick Lappos) [5612 bytes]
Helicopter filters (Nick Lappos) [2102 bytes]
Helicopter loops (Nick Lappos) [10953 bytes]
Helicopter yaw accident (Craig Wall) [5570 bytes]
Loss of Tail Effectiveness (Nick Lappos) [9461 bytes]
The Mini-500 (Badwater Bill, Dennis Fetters, Ed Randolph, anon., Kevin O'Brien) [98896 bytes]
Rotor types (Nick Lappos) [4414 bytes]
Sikorsky (Nick Lappos) [3072 bytes]
Sikorsky Advancing Blade Concept (Nick Lappos) [3890 bytes]
Tiltrotor (Nick Lappos) [26221 bytes]
Translational lift (Nick Lappos) [4947 bytes]
Vortex ring (Nick Lappos) [7652 bytes]
Shutting the wrong engine (Nick Lappos) [6575 bytes]


The 727's rear doors (David Lednicer, Ed Hahn, Terrell D. Drinkard) [12430 bytes]
The 747's hump (David Lednicer) [2386 bytes]
The 747's wing (David Lednicer) [1884 bytes]
The 757's wake (Robert Dorsett) [3141 bytes]
The L1011 3 engine failure episode (Charlie Falke) [2061 bytes]
The A320 (David Lednicer, Dr Peter B Ladkin, Ken Hoyme, Michael T. Palmer, Robert Dorsett, Terrell D. Drinkard, Henry Spencer) [164653 bytes]
AC condensation (TriStar500) [738 bytes]
Air traffic control (Hal Lewis; Badwater Bill) [7746 bytes]
Airbus (H Andrew Chuang) [2986 bytes]
Airline seat assignments (Mark Seecof) [6777 bytes]
Airline seats (Jeff Spitzer, Terrell D. Drinkard) [2592 bytes]
Airliner descents (Keith Barr) [2649 bytes]
Airliner ditching (Terrell D. Drinkard) [4674 bytes]
Airliner economics (Ed Hahn, Terrell D. Drinkard, David Lednicer) [14764 bytes]
Airliner specs (anon) [1785 bytes]
Airliner speeds (anon) [380 bytes]
Altitude measurement units (Henry Spencer) [1882 bytes]
The ATR-72 (Robert Dorsett) [4405 bytes]
Bird strike specifications (Andrew Chuang) [1430 bytes]
Blown tires (Terrell D. Drinkard) [2077 bytes]
Catalytic filter hoods (David Lednicer) [1545 bytes]
Cigarette goo (David Lednicer) [1774 bytes]
Concorde (Don Stokes, Henry Spencer) [7600 bytes]
Cruise altitude (Terrell D. Drinkard) [10647 bytes]
The Dassault Mercure (David Lednicer) [1690 bytes]
DC10 nacelle strakes (David Lednicer) [2637 bytes]
The DC10 O'Hare crash (Keith Barr, Robert Dorsett) [40198 bytes]
The DC10 Sioux City crash (Robert Dorsett) [86195 bytes]
The El Al 747 crash (Greg Wright, Robert Dorsett) [4508 bytes]
Emergency oxygen (GLPILOTSRV, Karl Swartz, Katie Schwarz, Mary Shafer) [11942 bytes]
Engine cant (Terrell D. Drinkard) [1761 bytes]
Engine departure (Terrell D. Drinkard) [10071 bytes]
Engine Maker Overview (Andrew Chuang) [24674 bytes]
Engine noise (Ed Hahn, Keith Barr) [5947 bytes]
Exhaust fumes (Robert Dorsett, TriStar500) [4526 bytes]
Flight test (Ed Hahn, Karl Swartz) [4283 bytes]
Flutter (Terrell D. Drinkard) [4431 bytes]
Fresh air (Terrell D. Drinkard) [898 bytes]
Gimli glider (David Lednicer) [1204 bytes]
Glide ratios (Terrell D. Drinkard) [797 bytes]
Greek courts and the Swissair runway overrun incident (Robert Dorsett) [11127 bytes]
High wings (Richard Shevell) [2711 bytes]
Ice check strips (Ed Hahn) [2917 bytes]
INS and the gravitational gradient (Ed Hahn) [5456 bytes]
Instrument landing (Dr Peter B Ladkin) [2144 bytes]
Jet engine containment (Charlie Falke) [2087 bytes]
The KC135 and the 707 (David Lednicer) [2561 bytes]
La Guardia (Terrell D. Drinkard) [1591 bytes]
Landing speeds (Robert Dorsett) [4090 bytes]
LAX electrical accident (Robert Dorsett) [5027 bytes]
Level floor (David Lednicer, Richard Shevell) [6241 bytes]
Licence revocation (Robert Dorsett) [5388 bytes]
Lightning (Robert Dorsett, TriStar500) [4462 bytes]
MD11 (Robert Dorsett) [2280 bytes]
MD80 crashes during certification (David Lednicer, Mary Shafer) [4794 bytes]
Efficiency (Terrell D. Drinkard) [2791 bytes]
Multiple engines (Ed Hahn, Robert Dorsett, Terrell D. Drinkard) [24545 bytes]
Nagoya 1994 crash (David Lednicer) [3736 bytes]
P factor (Keith Barr) [4416 bytes]
Parts tracking (Ed Hahn) [1559 bytes]
Pilot authority (Robert Dorsett) [8144 bytes]
Pilot error (Robert Dorsett) [10161 bytes]
Plug doors (Terrell D. Drinkard) [1476 bytes]
Ram air turbine (Mary Shafer) [1012 bytes]
RFI (Keith Barr, Terrell D. Drinkard) [9562 bytes]
Ride quality system (Terrell D. Drinkard) [2068 bytes]
Safety reporting (Keith Barr, Michael T. Palmer) [8647 bytes]
Saltwater damage (David Lednicer) [1176 bytes]
Second crew area (Ed Hahn) [2076 bytes]
Visible shocks over airliner wings (Robert Dorsett, Gordon Leishman) [7290 bytes]
Slips (Keith Barr) [3091 bytes]
Static discharge (Ed Hahn) [1607 bytes]
Stopped engine drag (David Lednicer) [1261 bytes]
Subsidies (David Lednicer, Robert Dorsett) [15022 bytes]
TCAS (Ed Hahn) [5502 bytes]
Thrust reversers (David Lednicer, Ed Hahn, Robert Dorsett, Terrell D. Drinkard, TriStar500) [12736 bytes]
Tire prespinning (Robert Dorsett) [10413 bytes]
Turbofan blades (Andrew Chuang) [2417 bytes]
United 1991 accident (Barney Lum, Barnick, R.) [3333 bytes]
Unpainted aircraft (Terrell D. Drinkard) [1713 bytes]
Unporting (Bob Chilcoat, Richard Isakson) [8164 bytes]
The Valsan reengining program for the 727 (David Lednicer) [2776 bytes]

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